Monday, January 18, 2016

Post Let It Snow


January is a great month for listening, learning and looking at the snowflakes drifting in the air. The girls and I ran out onto the green to enjoy our first flurry of snowflakes. It was exhilarating. Their wish for more snow looks like it will come true in the coming days.

Students are learning about abbreviations and reviewing personal and possessive pronouns. They are spending time working on these skills as they formulate their writing assignments and challenging themselves to incorporate even more of what they have learned.

The girls have completed the book, Number the Stars, and have begun A Year Down Yonder, by Richard Peck.  This novel tells the sweet story of a girl from Chicago, who goes to live with her grandmother, in a rural town during the depression.

In language arts, students are completing a creative writing piece entitled Her Acre of Land. The girls have presented orally to the class and will be completing an artistic representation this week.

Please note that all written assignments on your daughter’s google drive can be viewed with just the click of a button.

Students are putting together large numbers and learning lattice multiplication. They will be practicing basic multiplication facts for the 13's.

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