Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Post 2 Great Beginnings

What's the Buzz ?

The Fourthies have had a wonderful start to the new 

school year 2015-2016! The girls have spent time 

organizing materials, getting to know each other, and 

learning new routines. The week went by quickly and I look

forward to the coming weeks with such a wonderful class.

       Students are being introduced to websites that will be
used consistently throughout the school year. They have a 
page in their binders which has all their user names and 
passwords in one easy location. I have asked the girls to 
always keep it in their binders!

     Fourthies shared a beautiful Opening of School Chapel on the "Green" to cheer on the new school year. It was a glorious day!

     The girls enjoyed an "ice breaker activity" called Saving Samantha and made avatars on the computer. They are working on the first math unit, which is geometry: learning about lines, segments, and rays. 

      The first classroom "read aloud" will be Wonder, which I will read to the students. The first classroom novel for literature will be All of a Kind Family by Sydney Taylor.
* The Secret is to Keep Everything Simple *

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