Thursday, June 2, 2016

Here We Are!

Here We Are!

 The girls have completed their last novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C. S. Lewis and will be creating a one paragraph story line recorded on vocaroo to summarize the novel. They have made little character puppets to go along with this activity.

We had a wonderful “living history in the classroom” naturalization ceremony to sum up our study of immigration. We took a steamship to New York. The girls dressed up and had baskets of snacks; went through Ellis Island; answered civics questions; had ears and eyes checked by “classroom doctors”; and the girls finished their immigration journals. Ask to see them. The story of their journeys to America were each unique and inspiring.

Students have learned the rudiments of using Roman Numerals and practiced their skills using their house numbers and their years of birth. They now have a greater respect now for using the Arabic Number System.

“Being an Expert” projects were a great success. 
Presentations were fun and informative and backboard designs were artistic and had a professional flair.

Students have gone “touring” the United States. Ask them to sing their song for you! They have learned all of the states and their capitals.Tour of the States with Lyrics

Promotion is tomorrow! The girls have learned a lot and have had a great deal of fun mixed in. I have truly enjoyed this class and wish all the best for them in fifth grade! Can you believe it? They are ready for Middle School!

Thanks for a wonderful school year! Have a great summer!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Post 16 Going Places

         Students are putting together Journal Entries as though they are people immigrating with their families, from another country. This is a great creative writing experience, while linking historical facts from their country of “origin”.

         The girls are enjoying the novel, Letters from Rifka, by Karen Hesse.  This is an historical fiction novel about a young girl traveling from a Jewish community in the Ukraine to Ellis Island.

         We have completed Unit 7 in mathematics and will be reviewing fractions and decimals this week and have the assessment on Thursday. Unit 8 will focus on perimeter, area and scale drawings. 
         Please send a digital family picture to me. It does not have to be current. We are working on a digital photo project for technology.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Springing Forward Post 14

Springing Forward Post 14

Students have chosen books for their new book report. The reading will be done at home and the project will be done in class on ipads. They will be creating their own shortened version of their book, in an app called Book Creator. Their reading needs to be completed by Friday, April 15th, and they will begin working on their reports in class on the following Monday.

The girls have begun working in Unit 7 and are mastering “fractions of a number”. Ask them to show you how they do it!
Unit 7 also includes fraction addition and subtraction; probability, equivalent fractions; fractions as decimals; and ordering fractions. We continue to practice multiplication and division skills, as well.

In Language arts, the girls are learning about simple and compound sentences. They are working on this to increase the length and depth of their sentence structures, and spending more time incorporating more challenging vocabulary. I have been encouraging them to use more Wordly Wise vocabulary as well.

On Tuesday, the fourth grade will be going to Shalom Farms to help plant potatoes. This is part of our 125th Year Out Reach Program. Part of what is planted, when lovingly grown and harvested, will be given to people of need in the community.

The Fourthies have completed their Research Reports on Countries around the World and are in the process of creating maps to illustrate their chosen country.
They will be displayed on the bulletin board, just outside our classroom.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring Has Sprung Post 13

Spring Has Sprung!

This will be an exciting and busy time for the Fourthies. The girls will begin practicing songs, dances, lines, and choreography for the play production of Jungle Book, which they will be presenting to the Seniors and Parents in April.

Please sign up for a Spring Conference to discuss your daughter's progress here.

Students will begin studying the 1930’s in History 4 Fourthies. They have been learning about latitude and longitude and studying map coordinates during daily geography lessons.

The girls are completing their historical fiction novel, Lily’s Crossing, and will begin a new novel next week.

In math, we continue to work on long division and multiple digit multiplication in mathematics. We are completing unit 6 and will begin Unit 7, which will be about Fractions. 

Have a Great Spring!